Studying in Serbia

Serbia is a small country in south-east Europe. It has approximately 7.3 million people and it was always known as a border between east and west. The capital of Serbia is Belgrade and it is most populated city in Serbia with more than 2 million people. History of Serbs is very long and it started in 7th century when Serbs came to Balkans for the first time. There are more than 26 ethnic groups in Serbia which shows its diversity and beauty at the same time. Serbia went through hard times in the past, but today it is democratic country and candidate for the membership in the European Union. Besides that, it is also member of the United Nations and Council of Europe.

Universities in Serbia

Serbia has 8 public and 10 private universities. The biggest universities are University of Belgrade and University of Novi Sad. University of Belgrade has around 90000 students and University of Novi Sad 48000. Besides that, there are also University of Nis located in the south-east, University of Kragujevac in central Serbia, University of Novi Pazar located in south-west and University of Pristina located in Kosovo and Metohija. Private universities are located in Belgrade and Novi Sad. Serbia accepted European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) which gave its universities opportunity to make partnerships with other European universities and to make better study abroad programs and exchanges. As in most of European countries, students have to get 60 ECTS credits per year or 30 credits per semester. Grading scale in Serbia is from 6-10 (6 is the minimum and 10 is the maximum). To pass a course, 55% is the limit for most universities, but there are also some faculties where 50% is enough to get a grade.

Most of students in Serbia do not have to pay tuition fees, because they are on the budget of the state. However, most of economic and law students have to pay, since a lot of students want to study it and it is very hard for the government to support all of them. Private universities are not for free and average student in Serbia cannot afford to study at private university. One year at private university costs between 1300 and 3000 euro. Also, neither private nor public universities are not free for foreign students. Depending on university, faculty and program, tuition fees go from 2000 up to 4000 euro per year. The most expensive faculties are faculties of architecture and medicine and the cheapest ones are faculties of physics, mathematics and chemistry. Official language for foreign students is English. For official exchange students, there are no tuition fees and study language is English as well.


A lot of students in Serbia live in one of many students’ dorms. Also, there are students who rent apartments which is way more expensive. Foreign students also have a chance to live in students’ dorms and it is pretty cheap. Living in a student dorm in Serbia is an adventure. There are always lots of people around; there is usually something to do, either sport or some activity, but also there are silent places if you have to study. Student dorms are in good conditions, but it also depends where you live. As everywhere, there are some better and worst, but in most of them life conditions are good. Typically, universities provide the best student dorms for exchange and foreign students. Those places are the best spots to integrate in Serbian society and to communicate with students from all over the country. There are some single rooms, but in most dorms students share rooms with one or two other students. Unfortunately, in some dorms students have to share bathroom with the whole floor, but those bathroom are very big and with a lot of showers, toilets and sinks. In that case, there is a person in charge who cleans all bathrooms every day. However, in most of dorms, there are bathrooms in each room, but in that case, students are responsible for cleaning. Foreign students always get best dorms, so they can have their bathrooms.

Usually, next to or very close to student dorms, there are student cafeterias where students can eat three meals a day. Prices are affordable for all students and it ranges from 0.25-50 cents for one meal, depending on which meal student takes. Breakfasts and dinners are usually between 25 and 35 cents, while lunches get range up to 50 cents. The quality and quantity of food is good. It is the best, fastest and cheapest way for students to get cooked food. Also, places of cafeterias are available and close to either faculties or student dorms. Some students prepare food by themselves, it is a bit more expensive, but still affordable. Average student would have to spend between 60 and 100 euro per month. Most students would recommend students cafeteria.

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